The 5 most dangerous animals in the Amazon rainforest

Amazon Rainforest

Mystery of the Amazon Rainforest

If we talk about the earth, then the Amazon forest is the heart of our earth, meaning 20% of the oxygen of our earth is produced from the forest of the Amazon Rainforest. Let us know some interesting facts about the 5 most dangerous animals in the Amazon rainforest.

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Before telling about the Amazon Rainforest, let me tell you that the Amazon Rainforest is spread over not one but 9 countries. Its largest part is spread over 60% in Brazil, 13% in Peru, 10% in Colombia, and then in five more countries.

Do you know that there are more than 4 million trees in the forest of the Amazon Rainforest and these trees are so big and dense that the land here also craves sunlight? This means the sun’s ray does not reach here, the trees here are so dense.

Part of the Rain Forest of 62% of the world comes from the forests of the Amazon Rainforest alone. Do you know that the total area of the Amazon Rainforest forest is about 5.6 million square kilometers? Which is more than the total area of our Indian country.

With this, you can understand how big the Amazon Rainforest is. The Amazon Rainforest forest covers about 4% of the entire Earth.

Before you know about the Amazon rainforest, you should also know about the Amazon River. The Amazon River is the second largest river in the world. If we talk about water storage, then the Amazon River is the largest river in the world. And 20% of the world’s river flows into the Amazon River.

And during the rainy days, when the river is filled with water, then somewhere the width of the river increases so much that it is not known from this end of the river. It seems that we are seeing an ocean whose end is not known.

More than 17,000 only tree species are found in the forest of the Amazon Forest. More than 30,000 species of insects are found here. And do you know that more than 5000 species of fish are found only in the river of the Amazon?

And you will be surprised to know that more than 3000 species of spider are found in the forest. Now let’s talk about The 5 most dangerous animals in the Amazon rainforest.

The 5 most dangerous animals in the Amazon rainforest

1. Bullet Ant 

You must have seen many ants but you have not seen an ant-like Bullet Ant. It is very small to see but its sting is very dangerous. The bite of this ant is like being hit by a bullet.

That’s why it’s probably called Bullet Ant. Its bite causes very unbearable pain which is very difficult to bear. It is found in abundance in the forest of the Amazon Rainforest.

2. Boiled Water River 

There is a river in the forest of Amazon Rainforest whose temperature is about 110 ° C. In which somewhere, boiling water is still visible.

The water here is very hot. Some tribal people here, if a resident of a tribe dies, then instead of burning and burying that body, they put the body in this river. Some tribes believe that this river is also called the gate of heaven.

3. Anaconda 

You must have seen the Anaconda snake many times in Hollywood movies. Many big snakes roam in the forests at the same place and go out directly to humans. But in reality, such a big anaconda is not found in the forest of the Amazon Rainforest.

The length of the anaconda found in the forests of Amazon Rainforest is about 30 feet to 40 feet. Which is not poison but it is very dangerous.

It eats small and large animals as soon as it comes out and once it swallows an animal, it can live without eating for almost a month it is mostly found in marshy places or watery places.

4. Poisonous Frog

About 120 types of poisonous frogs are also found in the forest of Amazon Rainforest. These bright golden-colored frogs look very attractive to see. But a frog has a venom capable of killing about 10 people.

It is found in many colors and is most visible on rainy days. When the local people or tourists go to visit here, they are far away after seeing this frog. Because this frog is very poisonous.

5. Eagle

An eagle is found in the forest of Amazon Rainforest which is very dangerous and agile. Its size is so big that only its wingspan is more than 3 feet and its weight ranges from 5 to 6 kg.

It can fly by holding twice its weight in its paws. Due to this, it makes its favorite prey monkey. But now this species is slowly disappearing.

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