Why don’t ghosts appear during the day? The science behind ghosts

The science behind ghosts: You must have heard the stories of ghosts. But do ghosts really exist? Whenever you are in the dark at night, do you feel that someone is watching you? Today I am going to tell you the science behind ghosts, whether ghosts really exist or not, or whether our mind has made them. And when ghosts really exist then why don’t ghosts appear during the day?

First I will tell you what Paranormal Investigator believes and then I will tell you what science believes. So that those who believe in ghosts can also understand and those who do not believe in all these things can also understand. First, we talk about those people who believe in ghosts i.e. Paranormal Investigator.

According to them, what is a ghost? Ghost means the energy of the dead person which remains in this world even after the physical body is over and it shows its presence in some shadow or some strange body shape.

According to those people who believe in ghosts, ghosts are the souls of those people whose very important desire or any work is not fulfilled. Even after death, their desire remains unfulfilled and because of this, they become completely restless and they do not get liberation until their wish is fulfilled.

They are often seen in those places which are associated with them. Like a house or a special place. Sometimes it even goes inside a person. Not thousands but lakhs of such incidents have happened in this world.

Many movies have been made on ghosts in Hollywood and many of them are for entertainment and many are based on true events. Like The Exorcist came out in 1973 and The Conjuring which was a 2013 movie. If you are fond of watching horror movies, then you must have seen this movie the ending position in The Conjuring movie is based on true events.

From this, we come to know that a soul can come inside anyone, not only in human beings. Paranormal Investigator also believes that it can go inside any object. You must have seen a doll in The Conjuring movie whose name is Annabelle. But in the movie that doll is shown differently, in fact, it looks like this.

It is still imprisoned inside a closed room and it is one of the most cursed things in the world. It is considered one of the most haunted things in the world. Another belief about ghosts is that if a soul wants to talk to you, then they can talk in front of you even further.

Why don’t ghosts appear during the day?

According to Paranormal Investigator, ghosts have no knowledge of time. But have you ever wondered why the incidents of these spirits often happen only at night? Why is it visible only at night?

The answer is not that it comes at night to be as scary as seen in a movie. This has become a matter of fiction. According to the Paranormal investigators in the real world, they come during the night because there is more peace at that time and there is a less electronic disturbance.

According to investigators, ghosts need the energy to maintain their presence and it is often heard that electromagnetic devices disturb their energy and there is more disturbance during the day. It is less during the night and due to this, Ghost Sighting mostly happens at night.

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